Be here.
I've been tagged by my friend Alyson over at Imagine Alyzabeth An for a blog game.
Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name.If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged & to read your blog! So, here goes ........
A - Asia - birthplace of my daughter, Joanna Mei.
N - Ni Hou - if I answer a phone in China, I will most likely say this.
N - Nurse - my profession - now working in computer informatics management - supervising a team of clinical professionals re: implementation of computerized charting system.
And now ........ let's see who gets tagged ........ we'll start with.....
A - 3Ds Adoption Journey (Blogster friend from Canada, Doris ) - we feel a friendship across the miles with her and husband, Dan. They are very much like Don & myself (a few years younger) doing a lot of things we would do and our LIDs are similar - check out their Halloween costumes - what a hoot!
N - Nancy in France. We have been friends for around 12 - 15 years and have visited their wonderful family about 30 miles outside of Paris. She & husband, Mark, were ministry partners here in Orlando when Don & I were on the founding team for a church plant. She says "I have one terribly handsome husband, two terribly cool teenage boys and one lovely, funny princess. (oh, and a dumb dog and stupid cat)." Nancy made us a family quilt which will be a treasured family heirloom. Click to see a few pics of her love for our family - although the pics don't do justice to her beautiful work.
N - Renee from North Carolina (OK - it's a stretch) but I wanted to include this courageous lady for her faith and strength during her cancer treatment. I, also, am a cancer survivor (Praise God! 4 years cancer free!) I feel a special bond with Renee and I'm sure that she would want you to go to The Breast Cancer Site and click for credits for mamograms, bringing deserving women without insurance one step closer to combatting breast cancer. Renee, you are an inspiration to many women in blogland - and so is your wonderful family.
That's the end of my post - now, click on over and be a part in wiping out breast cancer. Go ahead ....... click on it ....... only 2 days left!
Blessings Y'all,
great post!! those are some good ideas to go with your name...and I am clicking away like a maniac here, all for a great cause!!!
Very good job! Cute picture too. Thanks for playing. Let's set up a date for St. Augustine.
LID 01/27/06
Cool post! I love that door!
Keep smilin!
Thank you for the nice and kind words you said about me. You have touch my life more then you will every know. God will bring your daughter to you very soon.
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