Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daddy-O Update

Daddy-0 with 2 of his friends & caregivers.
Get this ..... they are not related and their names are Lerlene & Merlene. No kidding.
We are blessed with their presence in our lives.

My father, Albert, has been admitted to a Hospice Facility near our home for treatment of a few medical items which cannot be taken care of at the assisted living residence. One problem was pain from advanced spinal stenosis (a condition for which we have investigated multiple treatments) so he is on morphine based drug which causes him to be pretty much out of it. We visit daily, but they are short visits as we are not confident that he'll remember we were even in the room, however his memory has been on the decline for quite some time. So, if there are prayer worriors out there in blogland, please pray that he'll be out of pain. He's sprung back from some 'episodes' multiple times. He is 94.
Also pray that he pulls through this as we want him to know his grand-daughter, Joanna Mei.


Alyson and Ford said...

So that's where you get your amazing good looks...

Happy Father's Day Daddy-O. Sending out our blessing to you from NE Florida for a speedy and painfree recovery!

God's Peace upon you all.

Unknown said...

LOvely post and photo!!

Hope you guys are having a great week!

glo said...

Prayers of Blessings upon everyone of you!!!

crazylady said...

thanks for visiting me... I think.... hold you back from what? you'll have to stick around to see what all the fuss is about. We're kind of a dysfunctional family at my place,and all the bloggers are bickering siblings.
I have visited your site recently.
Very lovely.

jeanette said...

Praying for your family.

Jeff and Valerie said...

Sending prayers to Daddy-O!

Esther said...

What a cute dad! He is just precious.

Dawn said...

Happy Father's Day to your Daddy-O!! What a handsome and dashing guy!!

Thank you so much for all of your kind blog comments while we were in China! We also got your card in the mail!! Thank you so much!!

I can't wait for the day that we can follow you on your trip to Joanna Mei!!


Roy and Lori said...

We will be praying for your
dad! I hope he is feeling
better and having a great week!