Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"Spamapalooza" or "Too Much TIme in the Adoption Waiting Room"

The Table Awaits the Spamaliscious Creations

Every other Saturday evening, our Bible study group meets, shares dinner together and then spends the rest of the evening study a book in the Scriptures. Several weeks back, we mentioned that we went to see the Monty Python stage show Spamalot and discovered that several members were Python fans. At that, one of the participants suggested "Why don't we theme our next dinner meeting around Spam?" (That person was not one of us.) So, 2 weeks later, we had our Spamapalooza feast including a period of speaking The King's English, a reading from the Book of Spamuel, music from "MP and the HG" , Barbeque Spam Appetizer and that famous treat from Greece - Spamicopita.

Although we were overloaded with items featuring the innocent looking pink canned meat, the treatments were quite good and the presentation, eye catching. Mid-way through our Bible study later in the evening, it was noted that all participants had tall glasses of ice water at their places. Apparently, high sodium fine dining was not a regular activity of this group - and Spam at dessert ........ right out.

Be (in her best Rachael Ray pose) with Spam Roll Ups

Spam Sushi - just in case you need a close up view.....

Fine Dining - In the foreground: Spam musubi is a very popular snack or luncheon food in Hawaii made in the tradition of Japanese onigiri or omusubi. A slice of Spam is placed onto a block of rice and a piece of nori (dried seaweed) wrapped around the Spam-rice combination to hold it together, Asian Spam Soup with clear broth, pork, egg noodles & vegetables, Spam Vegetable Roll Ups with avocado, tomato & other veggies.

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