Sunday, December 07, 2008

And the prize for the LONGEST PREGNANCY goes to......

.......the Alpine Salamander.........found in the central and eastern Alps. It gives birth to 2 young .... at lower altitudes, the pregnancy lasts for 2 years and at higher altitudes it jumps to 3 years ...... longer than placement of a child from China. We should all rejoice that we are not Alpine Salamanders living above the tree line!

......and the runner up......... the African Elephant.......the pregnancy lasts for around 22 - 24 months.This is one of the longest gestation periods in the animal kingdom. (The blue whale, for example, has a gestation period of around 1 year.)

As for those in the Waiting Room for China Adoption, does the pregnancy begin with the decision to adopt and attendance at an informational meeting - or - with the LID. If we're talking about the latter, then we're doing a bit better than the elephant and hopefully ....... the salamander.

It was 2 years ago that we originally posted this peice. Well, it indeed WAS 3 years from the beginning of the paperchase to our Forever Day, so at that point, the gestation period of the Alpine Salamander at high altitude was just about in line with the CCAA's time frame.


Dawn said...

Hee Hee!! If I eat anymore chocolate during the referral wait, I'll really be an elephant :)

I started counting the "paper-pregnancy" when we started the paperchase, which was back in September of 2004 ... so we're definitely past our elephant due date.

Hanging in there with you!!

Catherine said...

Guess I be an alpine salamander although I sure am hoping to feel the first contractions in the late spring/early summer!! Just like most first pregnancies, looks like I'm going to go past the 3 year due date! :o0

M,R,J1,J2 said...

We're the "Alpine Salamander in higher altitudes"-very high altitudes! LOL! We're expecting our referral in the spring of 2010 (a 4 year paper pregnancy). A few r-rated words come to mind...
BTW, we were at Epcot and MGM last Saturday. Epcot was okay, but MGM was super crowded!
Take care,
Michaela & Family