JMei's first art project (painted with a toothbrush) in the Mom's Day Out preschool program.(Yes, I have petitioned to have "HomeDaddy's Day Out"
as the program's name once a month.)
JMei did fine and she'll attend twice a week for 6 hours each time.
12 weeks ago, 2 nannies from her orphanage in the Hunan province, China, drove her 2-3 hours
to a government building where she was handed over, kicking and screaming, to total strangers, never to see her nannies again.
What goes through little Joanna Mei's mind as I hand her over, kicking and screaming to her pre-school teacher who, until her first visit was a total stranger?
I realize that this should change as she is socalized with the children in her class, becomes familiar with the staff and realizes that HomeDaddy will always be there to pick her up.
Still, its a heartbreaker.....