Sunday, October 22, 2006

Aubrey Hope Svetlana Beams

In 2003, Be & I began attending a church about 10 - 12 minutes out our front door. We connected with the worship style and joined the worship team shortly after the arrival of Jason & Stephanie Beams the following year. We learned that they were already more than a year into the adoption of a toddler from Russia but because of their move from Texas to Florida (to take the position of worship director) much of their paperwork had to be transferred from their original agency, delaying the arrival of their child. The Beams moved back to Texas recently and the wheels started turning fast and their adoption of Aubrey Hope Svetlana was finalized on September 2, 2006. She was born on January 19, 2005 and has a sister, Brynlee Beams who is 3years. We are happy and envious at the same time. Congratulations Jason, Stephanie, Brynlee & Aubrey.


glo said...

Love happy endings and new family units. They have themselves a beautiufl little girl to add to thier family, and your one day closer thant he last time I posted a comment on here too LOL. I also just noticed you have IS 40:31 on here. have you followed any of the work I ahve done with eagles on my other Blog(s) the main one is the NCTC one. long ownderful story their BUT I also love the shorter bLOG on trying to SOar with the eagles. have one titled Even the Eagles have to wait ont he Lord. its a tear jerker if you really follow the story, but even eagle families need to wait on the lord to fill their nest. OK that's my sermon for today. Lord Bless!!!

Daisie said...

I just type in couple's blog into google and found your site to be number 9 on the results page..

Just thot if anyone is doing a blog as a couple like we did..

Cool blog keep up the good work.