Happy Father's Day(in Chinese)
Stepping out of my comfort zone here, folks. I wrote a Father's Day wish from Joanna Mei to me, her HomeDaddy.......
Dear HomeDaddy,
Happy Father's Day! I sure wish we were together for this special day. I can't wait until I see you and MamaBe next month - it's been hard waiting for our Forever Family Day. I think about you 2 all the time, although I'm blessed to know that only 2 Mother's Days & Father's Days have gone by since I've been alive - some of the kids at the orphanage have been here a lot longer than me and I don't know if many of them will ever know what "Father's Day" is.
I feel sorrow for my father who had to leave me at the police station last year. He and my mom left me with food and warm clothes when I was only 2 months old, probably because they were not able to take care of me or because someone told them they had to do it that way. How their hearts must have ached! Please pray for them. They really tried. They took care of me for as long as they could. They are good people. But now, God has provided you and MamaBe. That gives me hope. That gives me peace. I know that you already love me like I love you even though we've never met.
By the way - next month when you come to get me, there's going to be a whole lot of kids crying, yelling and making all kinds of noise - I just may be the loudest one there. If I'm screaming and searching out every nerve ending in your spinal cord, it's because I want to be the one heard above everyone else saying "I love you!" Don't let it scare you. It happens so quick and I just want you to get used to that sound early on.
So ...... we hang here in China for a week or so ..... I know that you have already 'bonded' with me in your hearts, but I just may need some time, so, respectfully, cut me some slack.
There's a good chance that I may not have been fed alot of the trendy foods that you're accoustomed to, so ..... hoping you like fish congee ...... Google THAT one, HomeDaddy. It can be scary, but I got used to it and I trust that if you love me, you will as well.
And we're going to a hotel, eh? Do you know that I don't have the foggiest what a hotel is? Hello!! For the last 18 months, I've had the familiar sounds of the kids around me crying in the night, people in the streets making all kinds of noise and smells that you probably don't even want to know about. So. I hear that there's only going to be 3 of us in the 'hotel' room. Me in a strange crib and you and MamaBe in your bed(s) - the silence will, most likely, be deafening - unless, of course, you, HomeDaddy, are snoring like a buzz-saw. So, I'll be needing some processing time - I'll bet one of those courses you took for adoption already has you prepared for that eventuality. Fat chance!
And what's this about a plane ride? I swear on a stack of eggrolls that I've never been on one, much less ridden anything except (maybe) a seesaw! Almost 20 some hours, I'm supposed to be the perfect little China Doll? (Sorry, that's a derogatory term, no?) For crying out loud, it will be the "Year of the Ox" before we get to Orlando! Please have lots of fish congee on hand!
I know you have made all kinds of provisions for me at our home, and, really, I'm looking forward to seeing it. But seriously, folks, there's no guarantee I'm going to LIKE it at first. So, give me some breathing space - let me explore - I'll probably need to get used to some of your smells (Air freshener? - YIKES! Where's that familiar aroma of fish congee?) And what's with this cutsie little room? Where are the cinderblock walls, the gray paint and the other screaming kids. This is WAY too pretty. Just give me some time ..... I'll adapt - I trust you will.
So, HomeDaddy - we're gonna have a fun time getting into each other's heads. We're gonna laugh and cry, stumble and fall, like and dislike and all those things that make us so different and cause us love each other. You have waited 3 long years so that I can be the one that God chose for your daughter. I love you and together, we'll make this happen.
Fasten your seatbelt, HomeDaddy - this is going to be one wild ride!
Happy Father's Day,
Joanna Mei