The following is a description of the procedure for completion of the adoption in China. It is taken from our agency's web page.........
Bethany Christian Services began its China program in 1994. All adoptions from China are coordinated by the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA) in Beijing. Over 100 orphanages throughout China send referrals of children available for international adoption to CCAA, who matches the child with the waiting family. Agencies are not able to influence the match. Families typically travel with other families 6-8 weeks after the referral to complete the adoption process. Bethany helps to make all travel arrangements. The stay in China is usually 12-14 days. Families have an option of first traveling to Beijing for a two-day tour of the city and the Great Wall. From Beijing, families usually fly directly to the capital of the province in which their child is located, usually staying 5-6 days to complete the adoption proceedings. From there, all families must fly to Guangzhou, In South China, for a 2-3 day stay while the U.S. Consulate processes the child's immigrant visa. Our China consultant and/or another local interpreter will guide and assist families throughout their stay in China.Our China consultant is an attorney who has been working with Bethany since the beginning of the program. She is a native of Shanghai and has previously lived in the States for over ten years. She currently resides in Shanghai.
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