Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Weather in Central Florida is Breaking!

We have experienced the first hint of fall! The air has a bit of a nip and the breeze is just delightful! Neighbors are coming out of their houses just to enjoy the weather!
This past summer, when we visited China during the adoption procedings of our daughter,
the weather was hot (real hot!), humid and polluted in the cities.
"I should be used to this!" I said to myself as we toured the Forbidden City, climbed The Great Wall and stood atop the solid heat absorbing concrete in Tienemman Square.
After all, I live in Central Florida, the humidity capital of the US - then it dawned on me -
"I don't go outside in this weather when I'm at home!"
And here I was, playing tourist in the equivalent of a steam room!
Anyway, the peasants are rejoicing - fall will be here soon!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What is Your Favorite "Most Annoying Song of All Time?"

Recently, we took our daughter to The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.
We went on that ride which features, in my opinion, "The Most Annoying Song of All Time".
I can't even say the name of the song without getting annoyed, so here's a picture.......
It was her favorite ride - she smiled throughout and screamed with delight at some of the scenes. Since we have Annual Passes, I imagine I'll be hearing the song many times over.
It's just one of those lessons in tolerance in parenthood.
So, what's your nomination for
The Most Annoying Song of All Time
Leave a comment indicating your nomination .....
and, if you feel led ...... why do you find it so annoying?
No contest .... no prizes .... just for fun

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Catherine's Chatter" Author Interviewed for Toronto Star

Fellow Blogsters - Head on over to the Toronto Star and take a look at the article on international adoptions. Our friend and blogger, Catherine, was interviewed to participate in a pretty good article where she lends her upbeat view on the subject. Go Catherine - you're the best!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

A Letter to J Mei

Several weeks back, our wonderful friend of 20+ years (number of years we've been friends - not necessarily referring to age) Molly, gave J Mei a welcoming party attended by many of my co-workers and retirees (such as myself). She surprized us with a beautiful letter, written from the hearts of parents longing to have her in their lives. Here is her letter .......
Little girl of our dreams, you come from a land so far away..A land of magical dragons and bright colors all covered in mist.How could you know we wished for you over the years, day by day? Though the years of our lives were busy and full, we worked so hard to make our way, while keeping in our hearts the Lord's pathway of light. We served Him and praised Him with song. We knew all along we had an abundance of love we needed to share. As we studied His Word and followed His path, our hearts were opened to the Message He sent..."And a little child shall lead them." So, Joanna Mei, our journey to find you began. We searched the world over, we prayed night and day for the sweetest of God's little angels to come our way. Our hearts and our home are ready to welcome you now...where you will thrive in His Love and His Light. You are all we could wish for - our heart's delight. You are our dream come true......We love you so much! Mommy and Daddy.
The letter is now framed and hangs over her crib. Thank you, Molly for your thoughtfulness and friendship.